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Knowledge is power, power is Morfosis!

Welcome to MORFOSIS school – a Russian comprehensive school with advanced study of English and Greek languages. We offer quality education, working according to the curricula of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Cyprus, which allows our students to receive comprehensive and modern education.


MORFOSIS School has three branches: Junior and Senior School in Limassol and a branch in Paphos. Our team of qualified teachers pay special attention to each student, offering an individual approach to teaching, which allows them to develop their potential and achieve excellent results. Interesting optional courses and programs provide students with a variety of opportunities for personal and academic growth.

General education system

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Учебный процесс в нашей школе строится на базе общеобразовательной системы, что гарантирует соответствие программам Министерства образования и науки Российской Федерации и Республики Кипр. Это позволяет обеспечить высокий уровень подготовки и всестороннее развитие учащихся, а также получение знаний по всем ключевым предметам. Наши ученики получают качественное образование с акцентом на углубленное изучение языков и возможность дальнейшего поступления в вузы Кипра и других стран.

Support and care

The school has consultations with a psychologist, speech therapist and medical worker, which helps to create a comfortable and safe environment for each student. The school also has sports sections, including mini-football, chess and fitness aerobics, which helps develop sports skills and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Additional opportunities for everyone

We offer language courses for everyone, regardless of age and level of preparation, as well as optional classes in all subjects of the Russian general education program. The school has an Art Studio, an origami club, a theater studio "Word" and a dance and choreography studio for those who want to reveal their creative abilities on stage.

Summer language camp

During the summer, the school organizes a sports and health camp with intensive study of English and Russian for foreigners. Teaching is conducted by native speakers, which makes the program as effective and exciting as possible.

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